Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Abstract (summary)

An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose.[1] When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript or typescript, acting as the point-of-entry for any given academic paper or patent application. Abstracting and indexing services for various academic disciplines are aimed at compiling a body of literature for that particular subject.
The terms précis or synopsis are used in some publications to refer to the same thing that other publications might call an "abstract". In management reports, an executive summary usually contains more information (and often more sensitive information) than the abstract does.

Purpose and limitations

Academic literature uses the abstract to succinctly communicate complex research. An abstract may act as a stand-alone entity instead of a full paper. As such, an abstract is used by many organizations as the basis for selecting research that is proposed for presentation in the form of a poster, platform/oral presentation or workshop presentation at an academic conference. Most literature database search engines index only abstracts rather than providing the entire text of the paper. Full texts of scientific papers must often be purchased because of copyright and/or publisher fees and therefore the abstract is a significant selling point for the reprint or electronic form of the full text.
Abstracts are protected under copyright law just as any other form of written speech is protected. However, publishers of scientific articles invariably make abstracts freely available, even when the article itself is not. For example, articles in the biomedical literature are available publicly from MEDLINE which is accessible through PubMed. The abstract can convey the main results and conclusions of a scientific article but the full text article must be consulted for details of the methodology, the full experimental results, and a critical discussion of the interpretations and conclusions. Consulting the abstract alone is inadequate for scholarship and may lead to inappropriate medical decisions.
An abstract allows one to sift through copious amounts of papers for ones in which the researcher can have more confidence that they will be relevant to his or her research. Once papers are chosen based on the abstract, they must be read carefully to be evaluated for relevance. It is generally agreed that one must not base reference citations on the abstract alone, but the content of an entire paper.
According to the results of a study published in PLOS Medicine, the "exaggerated and inappropriate coverage of research findings in the news media" is ultimately related to inaccurately reporting or over-interpreting research results in many abstract conclusions. A study published in JAMA concluded that "inconsistencies in data between abstract and body and reporting of data and other information solely in the abstract are relatively common and that a simple educational intervention directed to the author is ineffective in reducing that frequency." Other "studies comparing the accuracy of information reported in a journal abstract with that reported in the text of the full publication have found claims that are inconsistent with, or missing from, the body of the full article."


An academic abstract typically outlines four elements relevant to the completed work:
·         The research focus (i.e. statement of the problem(s)/research issue(s) addressed);
·         The research methods used (experimental research, case studies, questionnaires, etc.);
·         The results/findings of the research; and
·         The main conclusions and recommendations
It may also contain brief references, although some publications' standard style omits references from the abstract, reserving them for the article body (which, by definition, treats the same topics but in more depth).
Abstract length varies by discipline and publisher requirements. Typical length ranges from 100 to 500 words, but very rarely more than a page and occasionally just a few words. An abstract may or may not have the section title of "abstract" explicitly listed as an antecedent to content. Abstracts are typically sectioned logically as an overview of what appears in the paper, with any of the following subheadings: Background, Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Abstracts in which these subheadings are explicitly given are often called structured abstracts by publishers. In articles that follow the IMRAD pattern (especially original research, but sometimes other article types), structured abstract style is the norm. (The "A" of abstract may be added to "IMRAD" yielding "AIMRAD".) Abstracts that comprise one paragraph (no explicit subheadings) are often called unstructured abstracts by publishers. They are often appropriate for review articles that don't follow the IMRAD pattern within their bodies.


Example taken from the Journal of Biology, Volume 3, Issue 2.

The hydrodynamics of dolphin drafting
by Daniel Weihs, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel.

Background Drafting in cetaceans is defined as the transfer of forces between individuals without actual physical contact between them. This behavior has long been surmised to explain how young dolphin calves keep up with their rapidly moving mothers. It has recently been observed that a significant number of calves become permanently separated from their mothers during chases by tuna vessels. A study of the hydrodynamics of drafting, initiated inmechanisms causing the separation of mothers and calves during fishing-related activities, is reported here.
Results Quantitative results are shown for the forces and moments around a pair of unequally sized dolphin-like slender bodies. These include two major effects. First, the so-called Bernoulli suction, which stems from the fact that the local pressure drops in areas of high speed, results in an attractive force between mother and calf. Second is the displacement effect, in which the motion of the mother causes the water in front to move forwards and radially outwards, and water behind the body to move forwards to replace the animal's mass. Thus, the calf can gain a 'free ride' in the forward-moving areas. Utilizing these effects, the neonate can gain up to 90% of the thrust needed to move alongside the mother at speeds of up to 2.4 m/s. A comparison with observations of eastern spinner dolphins ( Stenella longirostris ) is presented, showing savings of up to 60% in the thrust that calves require if they are to keep up with their mothers.
Conclusions A theoretical analysis, backed by observations of free-swimming dolphin schools, indicates that hydrodynamic interactions with mothers play an important role in enabling dolphin calves to keep up with rapidly moving adult school members.

© 2004 Weihs ; licensee Bio Med Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL

Saturday, March 7, 2015




№ 01


Ex: 01.

Alex: I've been taking.
Claire: Did you use.
Alex: Showed.
Claire: Are you working.
Alex: I’m taking.
Claire: Have you taken.
Claire: Were you doing.
Alex: Was working; didn't win.

Ex: 02.

1. Do you like to take a lot of photos ?
2. How long have you had a camera ?
3. Did your parents take many photos of you when you were a child ?
4. Have you ever been to a photographer's studio ?
5. When did you last take a photographer ?
6. Do you have friends who are always taking photos ?

Ex: 03.

1.             Ben - have, been watching
                Kumi - I've been watching, watched

2.             Ana  - Have, lived
                Joel - I have lived, lived, lived

3.             Jalila - I have been eating, ate, eat

4.             Vito - have been, writing
                Kim - wrote

 Ex: 04.

1. I have been studying English for five years.
2. No. I have not lived in another country.
3. I'm listening to pop music these days.
4. I watch a Fashion show.
5. I went to Korea and played golf with my friends.
6. I was studying English lesson.


Ex: 01.

1. ended up, finished considering, decided, offered, agreed, imagine
2. planning on, spend, started, remember,  missed
3. happened, considering, bother, seems, expected

Ex: 02.

living, being, to move, to share, missing, being staying, to complete, writing.  

Ex: 03.

1. I think I'll end up living in Paris after I finish school.
2. I planning on visiting to USA.
3. No. I have not started reading a new book.
4. I remember going to camp with my parents.
5. No. I've not decided to do something.
6. Yes. I expect a good grade in this class.
7. I intend to go fitness club.

TOUCHSTONE 04 - Unit № 02


Unit № 02

A. 2. A.  Grammar

1. No. Mostly young people were as interested in fashion as older people.
2. No. I don’t think so. Older people don’t care as much about their appearance as young people.
3. Yes. Men get haircuts as often as women. Because they don’t like long hair.
4. Maybe. Mostly men spend as much money on themselves as women.
5. No. Makeover show sis n’t as interesting as other reality shows on TV.
6. Yes. I looks as important as comfort.
7. Yes. I have as many clothes as I’d like.
8. Yes. I spend as little time as possible shopping for clothes.  

B. 3. B.

1. Neon green, striped, leather, V-neck
2. Red, cashmere, sweater
3. Purple, floral, cotton, V-neck
4. Black, print, jeans, zip detail
5. Yellow, print, cotton, pockets

C. 1. B

1 e.
2 d.
3 b.
4 a.
5 c.

D. 1. C

1 c.
2 b.
3 c.
4 b.
5 a.

Vocabulary notebook

1.             1 person: baggy, turtleneck, long sleeved, wool
                2 person: fitted, flare, polka-dot, short-sleeved, silk
                3 person: V-neck, floral-print, cotton, short-sleeved, turquoise
                4 person: dark brown, long sleeved, striped, suede, leather
                5 person: neon orange, light blue, cotton, short-sleeved

2.             -ankle-length - шагай давсан
                -beige - хул өнгө
                -crew-neck - дугуйрсан зах
                -gold - алтлаг
                -navy blue - хар хөх
                -plastic - хуванцар
                -tweed - даавуу

TOUCHSTONE 04 - Unit № 01


Unit № 01


1 b.
2 a.
3 b.


1.             A - admire                                                                             B - admire-taught-was growing up
2.             A - Have - met                                                                     B - saw - were - waiting
3.             A - were - getting                                                                  B - was lift - calling
4.             A - do - do                                                                             B - am not working- am looking-have not find
5.             A - did - do                                                                            B - have been working - have not take


Verb + verb + ing
End up (living), spend (3 years working), finished (doing), planning on (leaving), remember (thinking), considering (going), started (working), miss (living), imagine (living)
Verb + verb + to
Happened (to be), seem (to be), bother (to), decided (to), expect (to), offered to), agree (to)

B. 2. Grammar

1.       A- end up studying                                                                     B- decided to sign up
2.       A- planning on learning  ,offered to pay ,agreed to come
B- started working, spent months just filing,  mind doing, happened to hear, intended to be, imagine doing



1 a.
2 b.
3 b.
4 a.
5 b.
6 a.
7 b.
8 b.

1 False.
2 False.
3 True.
4 False.
5 True.
6 False

Vocabulary notebook

1.     1. agree to lend.
       2. intend to do, bother to start.
              3. stop doing , enjoy doing.
              4. keep on trying.
              5. consider taking.
              6. seem to be.
        2.   1. given up trying.
              2. promise to do 
              3. put off the meeting
              4. refuse planning permission.

Friday, March 6, 2015

A little about me

Business administration is hole new thing for me as I am an engineer. I had been studying engineer for 7 years and have been working as a engineer for 12 years. As an older student in my class, new friends, new school and everything is been exciting and fun. 

I got promoted to manager 3 years ago and I realized my position requires more skills and more knowledge from me. So I decided to study business administration to be able to work as a quality manager. My employer is the leading road construction company in field. We work in countryside during warm months and work in corporate office during cold months due to Mongolian harsh climate. The road is major part of the nation's infrastructure development so I am a proud citizen by being part of my country's development. 

As an engineer I have 2 degrees in engineering which are The Bachelor of Engineering in automobile and auto-service and The Bachelor of Engineering in road and construction building machinery. I have started my career as a mechanic and been stepping up through my career path to become project equipment manager.

I was always into machines. When I was studying in high school specialized in mathematics I participated National Olympiad for Technical Model and represented my province. I won the gold medal in 1998 and bronze medal in 1999 along with invitation to pick a profession within all engineering degrees and to study at Mongolian University of Science and Technology. It was great opportunity and I am grateful to that.

Also I am a father to lovely boys and husband to a beautiful woman. My wife and I met at work we have been together for 8 years. My older son Esen is 5 years old and my youngest son Eren who is 2 years old. I try my best to be best family man and all my hard work dedicated to my family. 

(Written with the help)