Wednesday, April 15, 2015

TOUCHSTONE 04 - Unit № 08


Unit № 08


1. She should have said no and then hung up.

2. She shouldn’t have yelled at him.

3. I would have said no politely.

4. I wouldn’t have lost my temper.


I wouldn’t have sulked. I would have said “I have to do my work, now give me my laptop.”

Tom should have laughed about it and shouldn’t have sulked.


1. agree
2. agree
3. disagree
4. agree
5. agree
6. agree
7. disagree
8. agree
9. agree
10. agree
11. disagree
12. agree
13. agree
14. agree
15. agree


noun                                                                       adjective

aggression                                                             aggressive

anger                                                                      angry

confidence                                                            confident

depression                                                             depressive

determination                                                       determined

flexibility                                                               flexible

guilt                                                                        guilty

happiness                                                              happy

honesty                                                                  honest

intelligence                                                            intelligent

jealousy                                                                 jealous

motivation                                                            motivated

realism                                                                   realistic

sadness                                                                  sad

self-discipline                                                        self-disciplined

sensitivity                                                              sensitive

shame                                                                    ashamed

sympathy                                                              sympathetic


1.  One of your co-workers left the company last week. She may have found a new job. Or she could have been fired.

2.  Two of your friends broke up last month after going out together for five years.

     They may not have had enough in common. They might have had an argument.

4. A friend didn’t show up for a lunch date with you yesterday. She’s normally very considerate

    She must have forgotten about it. Or she could have been sick.

4. You waved to a friend in the supermarket night. He didn’t stop to say hello.

    He mustn’t have seen me. He might have been in  a real hurry.


1. c
2. d
3. b
4. a


“I have this friend Justin, who’s very emotional. Like, one minute he’s laughing, and the next minute he’s like totally

 depressed. Some, little thing happens, and he is like I’m so upset. I guess he’s like too sensitive. Actually, he’s like me.

 Maybe that’s why we got along. We’ve been friends for like 10 years.”


1. offended by something you do or say

2. ashamed of myself, been rude to

3. to admit, understand

4. suffered

5. obvious, what can I do to make it up to you

6. apologize, phony

Vocabulary notebook


1.             1. My friend has a lot of self-confidence.

2. My sister is very good at controlling her anger.

3. Our teacher has no sympathy for people who complain a lot.

4. My husband has the motivation and determination to do well at work.


2.             1. My sister says she feels guilty when she eats too much chocolate.

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